
| Presentation

Organized by the Associazione Musicale Liszt 2011, from an idea by the pianist Roberto Pegoraro, the Competition sees the light thanks to the active and decisive support of the late Aldo Ciccolini, honorary president.
Since its inception, VIPC is the point of reference among the international piano awards: on 2012, in fact, this competition was accepted as a formal member of "Alink-Argerich Foundation" and today gets to its credit prestigious collaborations with Italian and international music institutions.
Besides, VIPC has rewarded young pianists, that today they are placed into the international concert chains, as Elizaveta Ivanova (Russia - 2011), Mamikon Nakhapetov (Georgia - 2012), Yoonhee Yang (South Korea - 2013), Evgeny Brakhman (Russia- 2014), Jin-Hyeon Lee (South Korea - 2016), Florian Mitrea (Romania- 2016), Vasyl Kotys (Ukraine - 2017) and Xiaolu Zang (China - 2019) .
This competition is characterized by the severity of the judgment of the Commissions, which they show transparent voting and always opened to dialogue with whole members.
I remember the Chairmans by the Jury of the past editions: Roberto Cappello (Italy), Leslie Howard (Australia-UK), Francois-Joel Thiollier (France), Boris Bloch (Ukraine) and Daniel Rivera (Argentine-Italy).
The friendly atmosphere that is possible to "breathe" in VIPC helps to get opportunities for comparison, communication, solidarity and friendship among the candidates: more than seven hundred young pianists, coming from more than thirty countries, who up to now have chosen Verona as stage of their artistic practice, excited about the experience and the efficient organization.
I have to thank the members of the Honorary Committee, the Boards of Examiners, the public and private sponsors, the organization and all those which help in a decisive way Verona International Piano Competition.

The artistic director
M° Roberto Pegoraro